ZIO is licensed under Apache 2, and is developed and supported by multiple vendors, including Ziverge and Scalac.
ZIO brings a modern approach to cloud-native applications that offers superior type-safety, testability, and speed of application development compared to Akka.
Cross Scala 2 / Scala 3 compatibility; support for JVM, Scala.js, Scala Native (alpha); a history of binary backward compatibility over major versions
Whitebox ZIO native solutions for GraphQL, distributed systems, persistence, and workflows, in some cases going beyond support in the Akka ecosystem.
Comprehensive training options, including multiple books (Zionomicon, Effect-Oriented Programming), multiple courses (Rock The JVM, Ziverge, Scalac, DevInsideYou), a community website with hundreds of pages of documentation (zio.dev), more than a hundred videos, dozens and dozens of tutorials.
ZIO is designed for business, enabling rapid development, cloud efficiency, robustness & resiliency, & ability to hire Java developers;
Designed for developers, empowering developers to move quickly with confidence, enabling testability and debuggability.
"It helped us a lot with the velocity of engineering efforts. I know the product was excited about that, they have been surprised how quickly we have added small features since we have done a big port."
"Just knowing the system can be more resilient than it was in the past is another big reason why businesses should care.
It’s really difficult to build resilient systems out of the box and ZIO makes it incredibly easy to do that. "
"Businesses don’t care about technology but they care about the speed of execution, ZIO gives them the flexibility of scaling the product.
It’s easy to build an initial solution for pretty much everything. It’s very hard to maintain it, and add features to the product to accommodate the feedback from the market. That’s where ZIO to me makes a huge difference.
With ZIO you can move fast. "
"We needed something really efficient and that’s why we went for ZIO.
It's really easy to make mistakes when you are new to the library, and to the ecosystem. ZIO is low risk, it has really strong building blocks and gives you really strong guarantees of what you really can do and it’s what I like the most."
"A lot of times when we hit production we have problems, with ZIO it was easier to predict these problems.
You have things like ZLayer and Runtime and you can segregate your system. You don’t have these problems because segregation gives you constraints and it forces you to do it in a proper way and to do it better.
We found that we had fewer problems with ZIO than with Akka so that was a big selling point because for us it meant happy clients and happy users of our systems."
"At Kaizen Solutions we have implemented ZIO at one of our very large customers in the energy sector on 3 applications. After the release in production, the reliability and robustness of the code have been proven. "
"We have fewer incidents in production & production problems are solved very easily."
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